People – Karin Weisenborn
Karin Weisenborn
Karin Weisenborn is an oil and gas lawyer with a master’s degree in law from Leiden University and a master’s degree in petroleum engineering from Delft Technical University.
Karin has over 25 years international industry experience. After working as a production and reservoir engineer in the United States, the UK and the Netherlands for companies such as Shell, BP and Placid she graduated in law and became senior policy maker for the oil and gas department of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. In this role she was responsible for oil and gas licensing on the Dutch continental shelf and played a key role in the revision of the Dutch oil and gas legislation. Karin also was central to the UK-Netherlands cross-border negotiations leading to the Markham Treaty and initiated discussions with the DTI (now DECC) on the UK-Netherlands Framework Treaty on Transboundary Fields.
Before establishing WL Karin was legal counsel for the Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association (NOGEPA) where she represented the industry in discussions with the government that resulted in the new Mining legislation, the transition from Mining to Health and Safety legislation, various policy notes and industry guidance notes.
Working for WL Karin has been director of Lundin Petroleum and Oceanteam Shipping, consultant to the Ministry of Economic Affairs on the Dutch Mining Climate, UK Corporate Structures, shale gas licencing and permitting and the transfer of the oil and gas concessions and mining licences from the old to the new Mining Act, legal counsel for several new and established oil and gas companies in the Netherlands and in house trainer on oil and gas licencing and unitisation.